Request your free Stiltz lifts brochure or Call 610 443 2282

Meet the Team

Stiltz Home Elevators is a fast-growing business. The management team is a carefully calibrated mix of seasoned industry players, visionary entrepreneurs, and subject specialists; each committed to delivering the best experience to our customers and trade partners.

Rick Hirschhaut

President, Stiltz USA

Mike Lord

Chairman and CEO

Lachlan Faulkner

Chief Commercial Officer

Peter Geobey

Chief Financial Officer

Tony Federico

Vice President of USA Finance and Operations

Tim McCool

Vice President of USA Consumer Sales and Marketing

Tara Lochery

Group People Director

Stan Zukowski

Head of Dealer Services, Stiltz USA

Graham Kemp

Managing Director, China

Call (610) 443-2282

or email us to order your free Stiltz Lifts information pack.

Request Callback

Stiltz beat the competition hands down by the home lift’s small footprint, technical brilliance and elegant design.
Raymond, 69

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For more information please call 610 443 2282

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