It is a commonly held belief that getting older means that you are no longer independent and cannot live at home. However, this is often not the case, and your existing home can often be adapted to suit your needs now and in the future.
Our purpose at Stiltz Home Elevators is to help customers maintain their independence and live in the home they love for longer. With a Stiltz home lift you can move safely throughout your entire home with no risks of falling or tripping on the stairs. You can also use the residential elevator to transport items around your home (such as laundry) safely and with less strain on your body.
Our customers frequently tell us that staying in their own home is key to their happiness and that installing a Stiltz home elevator has been a critical addition to maintain their comfort and safety.
As America celebrated Independence Day earlier this month, we encourage you to consider what independence means to you. Ultimately independence means having full autonomy over your own life.
As we get older changing health and mobility can affect how we manage and maintain that autonomy. It is therefore important to consider how you can enhance your home to maintain your independence now and in the future. A future-proofed home is a home you can live in independently for longer.
The biggest risk to your independence is taking a fall. Falls are the leading cause of injury and death in older adults in the USA. There are 36 million falls every year and 1 in 5 results in a serious injury such as a broken bone or head injury. A lot of these are preventable.
How to prevent falls in your home:
- Avoid trip hazards
Make sure that your home has no trip hazards – remove any unnecessary clutter, secure down carpets, and rugs, making sure there are no loose cords or curled edges.
- Light up your home
Accidents often happen in areas with poor visibility so install an automatic outside light, and install lights in any dark areas in the home. Make sure switches are easy to access.
- Make movement safe
Maintaining movement and doing as much as you can do is important for independence, so make movement safe in critical areas. Have secure railings at the entrance to your home and install assistance rails in bathrooms and anywhere else they are needed. Ensure mats and rugs are non-slip.
- Make the stairs safe
Stairs are the most dangerous area of your home and the most common area for trips and falls. Make the stairs safe to use or avoidable entirely – install a chair lift or, for complete safety and comfort, a home elevator. Residential elevators can be an elegant and stylish addition to your home.
Having made your home safe and future proofed, you want to make the most of your independence. Ensure your physical and emotional wellbeing through an active social life and exercise regime. Exercise is critical to improve balance by making your legs stronger, and stronger legs lower your chances of falling. This does not have to be high impact – consider Pilates, yoga, or Tai Chi. Keep connected with the local community – join any local groups and classes – aiming for 150 mins per week.
Keeping active also lowers your risk of developing, or helps you to manage, many health conditions helping you to maintain your independence for longer. Rather than Independence Day, aim for an independent life.